The Unix command line has survived and thrived for almost fifty years because it lets people do complex things with just a few keystrokes.

  •  11/06/2019 21:58

Version control is one of the power tools of programming.

  •  07/05/2019 19:21

Writing R scripts is easy. Writing good R code is hard. In this course, we'll discuss defensive programming - a set of standard techniques that will help reduce bugs and aid working in teams. We examine techniques for avoiding common errors and also how to handle the inevitable error that arises in our code. The course will conclude looking at when to make the transition from script to project to package.

  •  20/04/2019 13:32

The art of function writing is what you'll learn. You'll gain insight into scoping in Python and be able to write lambda functions and handle errors in your very own function writing practice. Also, you'll use your acquired skills to write functions that analyze twitter DataFrames and are generalizable to broader Data Science contexts.

  •  04/09/2018 09:28

Learn to visualize real data with matplotlib's functions and get to know new data structures such as the dictionary and the Pandas DataFrame. After covering key concepts such as boolean logic, control flow and loops in Python, you're ready to blend together everything you've learned to solve a case study using hacker statistics.

  •  01/09/2018 20:19

Python is a general-purpose programming language that is becoming more and more popular for doing data science. This course focuses on Python specifically for data science. You will learn about powerful ways to store and manipulate data as well as cool data science tools to start your own analyses

  •  28/08/2018 19:08

Cluster Analysis in R

  •   13/09/2018 11:53

Introduction to Data Mining

  •   30/05/2016 00:00