package lets you write dplyr
R code that runs on a Spark cluster, giving you the best of both worlds. This course teaches you how to manipulate Spark DataFrames using both the dplyr
interface and the native interface to Spark, as well as trying machine learning techniques. Spark is a cluster computing platform, this means that your datasets and your computations can be spread across several machines, effectively removing the limit of the size of your data... all this happens automatically. sparklyr is an R package that lets you access spark from R; so you get the power of R's ease to write syntax and spark's unlimited data handling
Since spark (and even more sparklyr) is relatively new, some features are missing or tricky to use, and some error messages are not that clear. The spark flow we are going to follow is this ( connecting to a cluster takes several seconds, so it is impractical to regularly connect and disconnect):
The dplyr verbs we are going to use work in both R dataframes and spark dataframes: select(), filter(), arrange(), mutate(), and summarize().
If you wish to install Spark on your local system, simply install the sparklyr
package and call spark_install()
. For a remote cluster (on another machine, typically a high-performance server), the connection string will be a URL and port to connect on. Copying data into Spark (copy_to()). sparklyr
has some functions such as spark_read_csv()
that will read a CSV file into Spark. More generally, it is useful to be able to copy data from R to Spark. This is done with dplyr
's copy_to()
function that takes two arguments: a Spark connection dest
, and a data frame df
to copy over to Spark. copy_to()
returns a value, this return value is a special kind of tibble()
, the tibble object simply stores a connection to the remote data. The data is stored in a variable called a DataFrame
; this is a more or less direct equivalent of R's data.frame
variable type. Remark: we should avoid this action of copying data from one location to another.
You can see a list of all the data frames stored in Spark using src_tbls()
, which simply takes a Spark connection argument (x
We now link to a spark table using tbl(), the table may be big, but the returned object of tbl() is actually small
instead. Note that for remote data such as those stored in a Spark cluster datasets, the number of rows is a liedplyr verbs. The easiest way to manipulate data frames stored in Spark is to use dplyr
syntax. These methods use Spark's SQL interface Remark: square bracket indexing is not currently supported in sparklyr
converts your dplyr
code into SQL database code before passing it to Spark. That means that only a limited number of filtering operations are currently supported. For example, you can't filter character rows using regular expressions with code likea_tibble %>% filter(grepl("a regex", x))
The help page for translate_sql()
describes the functionality that is available. You are OK to use comparison operators like >
, !=
, and %in%
; arithmetic operators like +
, ^
, and %%
; and logical operators like &
, |
and !
. Many mathematical functions such as log()
, abs()
, round()
, and sin()
are also supported.
As before, square bracket indexing does not currently work.
tryCatch(error = print)
is a nice way to see errors without them stopping the execution of your code.starts_with()
and ends_with()
, also contains()
select helper. For now, you only need to know three things.a
: A letter means "match that letter"..
: A dot means "match any character, including letters, numbers, punctuation, etc.".?
: A question mark means "the previous character is optional".distinct()
function. You can use it directly on your dataset, so you find unique combinations of a particular set of columns count
. A really nice use of count()
is to get the most common values of something. To do this, you call count()
, with the argument sort = TRUE
which sorts the rows by descending values of the n
column, then use top_n()
. compute()
to compute the calculation, but store the results in a temporary data frame on Spark. Compute takes two arguments: a tibble, and a variable name for the Spark data frame that will store the results.a_tibble %>% # some calculations %>% compute("intermediate_results").
from the DBI package. The pattern is as follows.query <- "SELECT col1, col2 FROM some_data WHERE some_condition" a_data.frame <- dbGetQuery(spark_conn, query)
code you've written, dbGetQuery()
will always execute the query and return the results to R immediately. If you want to delay returning the data, you can use dbSendQuery()
to execute the query, then dbFetch()
to return the results. sparklyr
will handle converting numeric
to DoubleType
, but it is up to the user (that's you!) to convert logical
or integer
data into numeric
data and back again. sparklyr also contains two other interfaces. The MLlib machine learning interface and the Spark DataFrame interface
feature transformation functions have a similar user interface. The first three arguments are always a Spark tibble, a string naming the input column, and a string naming the output column. That is, they follow this pattern.a_tibble %>% ft_some_transformation("x", "y", some_other_args)
. The previous diabetes example can be rewritten as the following. Note that the threshold value should be a number, not a string refering to a column in the dataset.diabetes_data %>% ft_binarizer("plasma_glucose_concentration", "has_diabetes", threshold = threshold_mmol_per_l)
In keeping with the Spark philosophy of using DoubleType
everywhere, the output from ft_binarizer()
isn't actually logical; it is numeric
. This is the correct approach for letting you continue to work in Spark and perform other transformations, but if you want to process your data in R, you have to remember to explicitly convert the data to logical. The following is a common code pattern.
a_tibble %>% ft_binarizer("x", "is_x_big", threshold = threshold) %>% collect() %>% mutate(is_x_big = as.logical(is_x_big))
Continuous into categorical.
cutting points. The sparklyr
equivalent of cut()
is to use ft_bucketizer()
. The code takes a similar format to ft_binarizer()
, but this time you must pass a vector of cut points to the splits
argument. Here is the same example rewritten in sparklyr
style.smoking_data %>% ft_bucketizer("cigarettes_per_day", "smoking_status", splits = c(0, 1, 10, 20, Inf))
includes the lower (left-hand) boundary in each bucket, but not the right; this call also returns a numeric vector, with 0,1,... associated with the levels
quantiles. The base-R way of doing this is cut()
+ quantile()
. The sparklyr
equivalent uses the ft_quantile_discretizer()
transformation. This takes an n.buckets
argument, which determines the number of buckets.
survey_data %>% ft_quantile_discretizer("survey_score", "survey_response_group", n.buckets = 4)
If you want to work with them in R, explicitly convert to a factor
Tokenization. In order to analyze text data, common pre-processing steps are to convert the text to lower-case (see tolower()
), and to split sentences into individual words.
performs both these steps. Its usage takes the same pattern as the other transformations that you have seen, with no other arguments.
shop_reviews %>% ft_tokenizer("review_text", "review_words")
The column output is a list of lists of strings. Ex.
Tokenization via regex.
This is done via the ft_regex_tokenizer()
function, with an extra pattern
argument for the splitter.
a_tibble %>% ft_regex_tokenizer("x", "y", pattern = regex_pattern)
The return value from ft_regex_tokenizer()
, is a list of lists of character vectors.
. This function takes a character vector of columns to sort on, and currently only sorting in ascending order is supported.For example, to sort by column x
, then (in the event of ties) by column y
, then by column z
a_tibble %>% sdf_sort(c("x", "y", "z")
for exploring the columns of a tibble on the R side.
The return value is a list, and each element is a list with two elements, containing the name and data type of each column.
provides a convenient way to do this. It takes a tibble, and the fraction of rows to return. In this case, you want to sample without replacement. To get a random sample of one tenth of your dataset, you would use the following code.
a_tibble %>% sdf_sample(fraction = 0.1, replacement = FALSE)
Since the results of the sampling are random, and you will likely want to reuse the shrunken dataset, it is common to use compute()
to store the results as another Spark data frame.
a_tibble %>% sdf_sample() %>% compute("sample_dataset")
To make the results reproducible, you can also set a random number seed via the seed
provides a way of partitioning your data frame into training and testing sets. Its usage is as follows.
a_tibble %>% sdf_partition(training = 0.7, testing = 0.3)
There are two things to note about the usage. Firstly, if the partition values don't add up to one, they will be scaled so that they do. Secondly, you can use any set names that you like, and partition the data into more than two sets.
The return value is a list of tibbles. you can access each one using the usual list indexing operators.
A case study in which you learn to use sparklyr
's machine learning routines, by predicting the year in which a song was released.
, and have a similar signature. They take a tibble, a string naming the response variable, a character vector naming features (input variables), and possibly some other model-specific
.ls("package:sparklyr", pattern = "^ml")
files, allowing it to be easily stored on multiple machines, and there are some metadata files too, describing the contents of each column.spark_read_parquet()
. This function takes a Spark connection, a string naming the Spark DataFrame that should be created, and a path to the parquet directory. Note that this function will import the data directly into Sparkml_gradient_boosted_trees()
. ml_random_forest()
. Random forests are another form of ensemble model. That is, they use lots of simpler models (decision trees, again) and combine them to make a single better model.